To Become a Hacker, You Need to Know How to Use the Basic Tools

In the digital age, the term “hacker” carries both intrigue and controversy. While popular media often portrays hackers as shadowy figures working in the dark, the reality is far more nuanced. Hackers can be ethical, known as white-hat hackers, who help secure systems by identifying vulnerabilities, or they can be malicious, known as black-hat hackers. Regardless of their intent, all hackers share a common starting point: mastering the basic tools of the trade.

Understanding the Hacker Mindset

Before diving into the tools themselves, it’s crucial to understand the mindset of a hacker. At its core, hacking is about problem-solving and curiosity. Hackers are driven by the desire to understand systems deeply, to see how they work, and, ultimately, to test their limits. This requires a solid foundation in various areas of computing, such as programming, networking, and system administration.

The Essential Tools for Aspiring Hackers

To begin your journey as a hacker, you must first become proficient in the basic tools that form the backbone of hacking activities. These tools are not inherently illegal; they are used by network administrators, security professionals, and developers as part of their regular duties. The key is how you choose to use them. Below are some of the most essential tools every aspiring hacker should know.

1. Command Line Interface (CLI)

The Command Line Interface is the most fundamental tool in a hacker’s toolkit. Unlike Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), which provide a visual interface to interact with the computer, the CLI allows you to interact with the operating system through text commands. Mastering the CLI is crucial because many advanced hacking tools and techniques require its use. Whether you’re working in Linux, Windows, or macOS, understanding how to navigate directories, manipulate files, and execute scripts from the command line is a basic but essential skill.

2. Text Editors

Text editors are another basic tool that hackers frequently use. Editors like Vim, Nano, or Notepad++ allow hackers to write and edit scripts, manipulate configuration files, and even develop small programs. Understanding how to efficiently use these text editors can significantly enhance your productivity. Moreover, as a hacker, you will often need to write or modify code, making text editors an indispensable tool in your arsenal.

3. Networking Tools

Networking knowledge is fundamental to hacking. Tools like Wireshark, Nmap, and Netcat are crucial for understanding and manipulating network traffic. Wireshark, for example, allows you to capture and analyse network packets, helping you to identify potential vulnerabilities or suspicious activity. Nmap is a network scanning tool that can be used to discover hosts and services on a network, making it invaluable for reconnaissance. Netcat, often referred to as the “Swiss Army knife” of networking, can be used for a variety of tasks, including port scanning, transferring files, and creating backdoors.

4. Virtual Machines

Virtual Machines (VMs) are a critical tool for any hacker. They allow you to create isolated environments where you can test and experiment without affecting your main operating system. Tools like VirtualBox or VMware let you run multiple operating systems simultaneously, which is particularly useful for testing exploits across different platforms. Additionally, VMs are essential for practising hacking in a controlled and safe environment, reducing the risk of causing unintended harm.

5. Programming Languages

While not a “tool” in the traditional sense, programming languages are the cornerstone of hacking. Languages like Python, C, C++, JavaScript, and Bash are commonly used in hacking. Python, in particular, is favoured for its simplicity and the extensive libraries available for networking, data manipulation, and automation. Understanding programming allows you to create your own tools, automate tasks, and understand the code you are interacting with, whether it’s an exploit or a defensive script.

6. Password Cracking Tools

Password cracking is a common activity in hacking, and tools like John the Ripper and Hashcat are standard in this area. These tools are used to perform dictionary attacks, brute force attacks, and other methods to crack password hashes. While these tools are powerful, they also highlight the importance of using strong, unique passwords to protect personal and organisational data.

7. Exploit Frameworks

Exploit frameworks, such as Metasploit, are essential for testing vulnerabilities. Metasploit allows you to exploit known vulnerabilities in systems, helping you to understand how these weaknesses can be leveraged. While Metasploit is often associated with penetration testing, it is also used by malicious hackers. Understanding how to use exploit frameworks responsibly is crucial for anyone pursuing a career in cybersecurity.

Building on the Basics

Once you have a solid understanding of these basic tools, the next step is to deepen your knowledge and specialise in areas that interest you. This could involve learning more advanced programming languages, delving into cryptography, or exploring reverse engineering and malware analysis. Continuous learning is a hallmark of any skilled hacker, as technology and security practices are constantly evolving.

Ethics and Responsibility

It is important to emphasise that hacking is a double-edged sword. The skills and tools you acquire can be used for good or ill. Ethical hackers, or white-hat hackers, use their knowledge to protect systems and prevent malicious attacks. They are often employed by companies to conduct penetration testing, ensuring that systems are secure from threats. On the other hand, black-hat hackers use their skills for personal gain, often at the expense of others. As you develop your hacking skills, it is vital to consider the ethical implications of your actions and strive to use your knowledge for positive purposes.


Becoming a hacker requires more than just a fascination with computers and a desire to break the rules. It demands a deep understanding of the basic tools that underpin hacking activities, as well as a commitment to continuous learning and ethical responsibility. By mastering the command line, text editors, networking tools, virtual machines, programming languages, and other essential tools, you lay the foundation for a successful journey in the hacking world. Whether you choose to become an ethical hacker, securing systems and protecting data, or venture into other areas of cybersecurity, the skills you acquire will be invaluable in navigating the digital landscape.

To become a hacker, you need to know how to use the basic tools:

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